A Sampling of my essays, features and other writing over the years. Links to other essays and features can be found under the About Steve tab above.
Here is an index for the content below: Scroll down.
A Swim for the Ages. Swimming in the Saco River in New Hampshire with my children when they were young.
The Only Civilized Form of Transportation. Some thoughts on canoe travel and conversation on a section of a great wild river where you see few other people.
My Own Little Wilderness. Why I love brooks.
A biographical sketch of Edwin Way Teale, the famous naturalist and author who wrote many of his books from his home in northeastern Connecticut.
Canoeing the Connecticut. An abridged account of the 17-part series I wrote for The Hartford Courant in 1991 while paddling the entire 410-mile long Connecticut River from the Canadian border to Long Island Sound. (Will be posted soon.)

A Swim for the Ages
My son, Scott, on our Saco River paddle in New Hampshire in 1995. We stopped on one of the beaches for a memorable time swimming.